Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2006
damiang, 20:08h
Liebes Report-Mainz-Team, sehr geehrter Herr Reutter!
Da war Ihr Bericht zum Chemiewaffeneinsatz so pointiert, "lückenlos" und
"wasserdicht" (beinahe wissenschaftlich) - zu einem Zeitpunkt, da der
gegenteilige Beweis den Krieg eventuell früher beendet hätte und da machen
Ihnen die Israelis letztendlich einen Strich durch die Rechnung. So wird
das aber nichts mit einem Medienpreis.
Bitte nehmen Sie meinen Zynismus nicht als Feindseligkeit wahr, sondern
die Informationen zum Anlaß einer neuen "Story".
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Damian Ghamlouche,1185,OID5811200_TYP6_THE_NAV_REF1_BAB,00.html,1185,OID6025902_TYP_THE_NAV_REF3,00.html
Da war Ihr Bericht zum Chemiewaffeneinsatz so pointiert, "lückenlos" und
"wasserdicht" (beinahe wissenschaftlich) - zu einem Zeitpunkt, da der
gegenteilige Beweis den Krieg eventuell früher beendet hätte und da machen
Ihnen die Israelis letztendlich einen Strich durch die Rechnung. So wird
das aber nichts mit einem Medienpreis.
Bitte nehmen Sie meinen Zynismus nicht als Feindseligkeit wahr, sondern
die Informationen zum Anlaß einer neuen "Story".
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Damian Ghamlouche,1185,OID5811200_TYP6_THE_NAV_REF1_BAB,00.html,1185,OID6025902_TYP_THE_NAV_REF3,00.html
... link
Mittwoch, 23. August 2006
Ölpest im Libanon
artist against war, 20:49h
Um sich ein Bild von der Ölpest zu machen...:

... link
South of Beirut: Before and After
damiang, 18:47h

Quelle: (22.8.2006)
... link
Montag, 14. August 2006
Hilfeleistung oder Civil resistance....
ba2, 15:43h
----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von internazionale -----
Datum: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 11:19:05 +0200
Von: Ufficio Internazionale
>from Alessandra Mecozzi
During the press conference and the public assembly of the day 10th of August,
the italian delegation who came back from Lebanon, after a detailed and
passionate report from Beiruth visits and meetings, with civil society and
Institutions, lebanese and international, the following requests were
1. Immediate and unconditioned ceasefire and starting of negociations.
2. Building and respect for "humanitarian corridors" in order to allow free
circulation of rescues and helps for the population, that is now not allowed by
israeli army, neither for boats nor for medical help flights.
3. Respect for the humanitarian law and international conventions.
4. As a positive signal towards peace, the Italian Governement must cancel the
military cooperation agreement (2005) with Israel and support an international
embargo on weapons for the parts in conflict.
5. International Commission in order to investigate about the use of non
conventional weapons.
6. Transparency in the distribution of helps, supporting direct distribution to
the lebanese and palestinian coordinations of NGOs, who are facing jointly,
without any distinction, the dramatic emergency, committed in assisting
refugees and displaced peoples.
7. Furthermore we believe that a just and lasting peace in Middle East can be
only achieved on the basis of International Law and implementation of all the
UN Resolutions, starting from those that request to Israel their withdrawl
>from occupied territories in Palestine, Siria and Lebanon;
We ask to the italian civil society to re start a strong mobilisation for peace
in Middle East, with actions from below, supporting:
- initiatives in all the territories and cities about the ongoing war (meetings,
debates, public pergormances, direct non violent actions, involvement of local
governements, twinships, visible exibition of peace flags....
- concrete support (fund and materials raising) to the associations committed in
solidarity projects in the regions in conflict
- participation and/or information about the initiatives of the lebanese civil
society addressed also to to the international community, among them
the civil lebanese and international caravane with helps for the South Lebanon
that will start from Beiruth on the 12th of august to Tyro. This is the first
interposition action launched by the civil society to stop the war, chlalenging
the bombs. Lebanese and international civil society start marching in order to
reach the south of the country bringing medicines, humanitarian help and
solidarity of the lebanese and international people, with a convoy of 30 cars
that is upposed to reach Tiro in about 24 hours.
For further informations visit the site:
Per maggiori informazioni, visitate il sito:
Lebanon: An Open Country for Civil Resistance
August 12th, 2006
Regarding the August 12th Planned Convoy to the South
Press Contacts:
Rasha Salti: 03 970855
Wadih Al Asmar: 70 950780
Huwaida Arraf: 70 974452 (international contact)
Beirut, August 13 – Marking the passing of a month on Israel’s war unleashed on Lebanon, we, members of civil society that had mobilized from the first days to aid and support the victims of this aggression, launched this Campaign of Civil Resistance. In addition to marking the one-month anniversary of this latest Israeli war against Lebanon, and the anniversary of the Geneva Conventions, (passed August 12, 1949), on August 12, communities around the world protested against the Israeli aggression on Lebanon.
Here, in Lebanon, the first convoy of civilians was to depart on August 12 to the south, whose final destination, pending questions of security on the ground, was to reach Nabatiyeh. The mission of the convoy, as the mission of the campaign, is to mark a stand in solidarity and unity of all the people of Lebanon, to break the siege on the south, and to defy Israel’s policy of forced expulsions, terror and organized massacres of civilians.
We convened on Martyrs’ Square at 7:00 am on August 12th morning. More than 200 people were gathered, supported by more than 50 participants from 19 countries. Fifty cars, carrying more than 250 rations of food and medicines, with more than 15 representatives from the local and international media, proceeded on the path to the south.
The convoy could not reach its destination because it was forcibly stopped at a passageway, located between the site where the bridge and a gas station were shelled recently, in the coastal village of Na’meh by the Lebanese Internal Security, on orders from the Ministry of Interior.
Despite citing concern for our security, the checkpoint at Na’meh remained open for everyone else, including other convoys.
As members of civil society, while our government’s concern for our safety is appreciated, we disagree with our government’s missive. As members of the civil society organizing for civil resistance against the Israeli aggression on Lebanon, we specifically chose not to protest against the Lebanese government’s decision; our struggle is first and foremost against the Israeli war on our people and our country, and we stand for unity among all Lebanese, embodying plural political perspectives.
Nevertheless, we would like to clarify several points.
The Lebanese security forces did have notification of our intention to go to the south. Our convoy was widely publicized in the local and international press, and days before conversations were held with members of the Lebanese security forces.
We were organizing, and continue to be organizing, acts of civilian resistance, and not acts of civilian suicide. We were aware of the risks of our action, and we were continuing to study the situation on the ground even during the trip. Our allegiance was not to a particular geographical destination, but to the solidarity with our people and the rejection of Israeli dictates. Furthermore, it is ultimately not a question of risk, but one of choice; Israel has the choice to target and bomb known civilian convoys or not.
August 12 marks the launching of this campaign of civil resistance. We will continue to resist aggression until a semblance of justice is achieved, and we will continue to build for practical solidarity after the aggression ceases.
Our convoy was successful in gathering a significant number of committed, serious people to express solidarity with Lebanese and with Lebanon.
We are invigorated by the serious, grassroots amount of support that we have inspired. We will build on this support and work towards committed, long-term solidarity with our people in the south and throughout our beloved country.
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 13:16:00 -0400
Subject: [infoco] FW: [Informed Comment] 8/12/2006 06:01:00 AM
Shapiro Guest Editorial: ' What will Israel Do?
Each day and night of the week I have been here, I have heard and felt the impact of Israel's advanced weaponry as it crashes into buildings, roads, bridges and other infrastructure of Beirut. But it is not only concrete and steel that is hit; it is also Lebanese men, women and children, such as the dozens who were killed in the Cheyyah neighborhood a few days ago.
This week, Lebanese, Palestinian and international activists here in Beirut have been meeting and planning a response to Israel’s aggression against Lebanon. Not that we have military technology, or a huge force field to repel the missiles, at our disposal. What we who are unarmed, who believe in strategic nonviolence as a strategy to overcome brute military force, have at our disposal is determination, moral ground to stand on, and a fundamental belief that our human and political rights must be claimed and asserted. This is particularly so in the face of an aggressive force that destroys life and limb and shows no mercy for human rights, human dignity and the ability of people to live on their land.
In order to act, we have come together to bring a civilian convoy of relief aid to villages in the southern part of Lebanon. Some of the villages there have been virtually erased from the map, as Israeli planes and artillery bombard people's homes, fields and crops. There are still civilians hiding from the daily pounding and remaining in their villages. They stay because they are old, or infirm, or poor, or because they refuse to leave their land. And Israel has prevented aid from reaching these people; international agencies that coordinate their aid relief with Israel have been told they will not be safe if they try to move. The whole area south of the Litani River has been declared a no-driving zone.
Our convoy, and other actions to follow, will challenge Israel's dictates to the Lebanese people as to what they can and cannot do on their own land. This challenge will be made by those who have nothing with them but food and medicine and by people who will say to the advancing and bombing Israeli army: Leave our country and stop killing our children.
The choice is up to Israel. Will it bomb this convoy like it bombed convoys of civilians fleeing their homes in the south just a couple of weeks ago? Will it bomb the hundreds of civilians like it did those who were hiding in a building in Qana? Will it attack this aid effort the way that it has hit international and Lebanese aid agencies? Will it aim its fire at international citizens here to help as it did when it killed foreign UNIFIL observers despite knowing full well who they were?
This will be just the first of many such challenges to Israel. The choice of action is Israel's, but the world must watch. Because Israel cannot say it did not know, and the world cannot pretend this is not happening in Lebanon.
Adam Shapiro is a co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement and is currently in Beirut, Lebanon.
Robert Fisk: As the 6am ceasefire takes effect... the real war begins
Published: 14 August 2006
----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von internazionale -----
Datum: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 11:19:05 +0200
Von: Ufficio Internazionale
>from Alessandra Mecozzi
During the press conference and the public assembly of the day 10th of August,
the italian delegation who came back from Lebanon, after a detailed and
passionate report from Beiruth visits and meetings, with civil society and
Institutions, lebanese and international, the following requests were
1. Immediate and unconditioned ceasefire and starting of negociations.
2. Building and respect for "humanitarian corridors" in order to allow free
circulation of rescues and helps for the population, that is now not allowed by
israeli army, neither for boats nor for medical help flights.
3. Respect for the humanitarian law and international conventions.
4. As a positive signal towards peace, the Italian Governement must cancel the
military cooperation agreement (2005) with Israel and support an international
embargo on weapons for the parts in conflict.
5. International Commission in order to investigate about the use of non
conventional weapons.
6. Transparency in the distribution of helps, supporting direct distribution to
the lebanese and palestinian coordinations of NGOs, who are facing jointly,
without any distinction, the dramatic emergency, committed in assisting
refugees and displaced peoples.
7. Furthermore we believe that a just and lasting peace in Middle East can be
only achieved on the basis of International Law and implementation of all the
UN Resolutions, starting from those that request to Israel their withdrawl
>from occupied territories in Palestine, Siria and Lebanon;
We ask to the italian civil society to re start a strong mobilisation for peace
in Middle East, with actions from below, supporting:
- initiatives in all the territories and cities about the ongoing war (meetings,
debates, public pergormances, direct non violent actions, involvement of local
governements, twinships, visible exibition of peace flags....
- concrete support (fund and materials raising) to the associations committed in
solidarity projects in the regions in conflict
- participation and/or information about the initiatives of the lebanese civil
society addressed also to to the international community, among them
the civil lebanese and international caravane with helps for the South Lebanon
that will start from Beiruth on the 12th of august to Tyro. This is the first
interposition action launched by the civil society to stop the war, chlalenging
the bombs. Lebanese and international civil society start marching in order to
reach the south of the country bringing medicines, humanitarian help and
solidarity of the lebanese and international people, with a convoy of 30 cars
that is upposed to reach Tiro in about 24 hours.
For further informations visit the site:
Per maggiori informazioni, visitate il sito:
Lebanon: An Open Country for Civil Resistance
August 12th, 2006
Regarding the August 12th Planned Convoy to the South
Press Contacts:
Rasha Salti: 03 970855
Wadih Al Asmar: 70 950780
Huwaida Arraf: 70 974452 (international contact)
Beirut, August 13 – Marking the passing of a month on Israel’s war unleashed on Lebanon, we, members of civil society that had mobilized from the first days to aid and support the victims of this aggression, launched this Campaign of Civil Resistance. In addition to marking the one-month anniversary of this latest Israeli war against Lebanon, and the anniversary of the Geneva Conventions, (passed August 12, 1949), on August 12, communities around the world protested against the Israeli aggression on Lebanon.
Here, in Lebanon, the first convoy of civilians was to depart on August 12 to the south, whose final destination, pending questions of security on the ground, was to reach Nabatiyeh. The mission of the convoy, as the mission of the campaign, is to mark a stand in solidarity and unity of all the people of Lebanon, to break the siege on the south, and to defy Israel’s policy of forced expulsions, terror and organized massacres of civilians.
We convened on Martyrs’ Square at 7:00 am on August 12th morning. More than 200 people were gathered, supported by more than 50 participants from 19 countries. Fifty cars, carrying more than 250 rations of food and medicines, with more than 15 representatives from the local and international media, proceeded on the path to the south.
The convoy could not reach its destination because it was forcibly stopped at a passageway, located between the site where the bridge and a gas station were shelled recently, in the coastal village of Na’meh by the Lebanese Internal Security, on orders from the Ministry of Interior.
Despite citing concern for our security, the checkpoint at Na’meh remained open for everyone else, including other convoys.
As members of civil society, while our government’s concern for our safety is appreciated, we disagree with our government’s missive. As members of the civil society organizing for civil resistance against the Israeli aggression on Lebanon, we specifically chose not to protest against the Lebanese government’s decision; our struggle is first and foremost against the Israeli war on our people and our country, and we stand for unity among all Lebanese, embodying plural political perspectives.
Nevertheless, we would like to clarify several points.
The Lebanese security forces did have notification of our intention to go to the south. Our convoy was widely publicized in the local and international press, and days before conversations were held with members of the Lebanese security forces.
We were organizing, and continue to be organizing, acts of civilian resistance, and not acts of civilian suicide. We were aware of the risks of our action, and we were continuing to study the situation on the ground even during the trip. Our allegiance was not to a particular geographical destination, but to the solidarity with our people and the rejection of Israeli dictates. Furthermore, it is ultimately not a question of risk, but one of choice; Israel has the choice to target and bomb known civilian convoys or not.
August 12 marks the launching of this campaign of civil resistance. We will continue to resist aggression until a semblance of justice is achieved, and we will continue to build for practical solidarity after the aggression ceases.
Our convoy was successful in gathering a significant number of committed, serious people to express solidarity with Lebanese and with Lebanon.
We are invigorated by the serious, grassroots amount of support that we have inspired. We will build on this support and work towards committed, long-term solidarity with our people in the south and throughout our beloved country.
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 13:16:00 -0400
Subject: [infoco] FW: [Informed Comment] 8/12/2006 06:01:00 AM
Shapiro Guest Editorial: ' What will Israel Do?
Each day and night of the week I have been here, I have heard and felt the impact of Israel's advanced weaponry as it crashes into buildings, roads, bridges and other infrastructure of Beirut. But it is not only concrete and steel that is hit; it is also Lebanese men, women and children, such as the dozens who were killed in the Cheyyah neighborhood a few days ago.
This week, Lebanese, Palestinian and international activists here in Beirut have been meeting and planning a response to Israel’s aggression against Lebanon. Not that we have military technology, or a huge force field to repel the missiles, at our disposal. What we who are unarmed, who believe in strategic nonviolence as a strategy to overcome brute military force, have at our disposal is determination, moral ground to stand on, and a fundamental belief that our human and political rights must be claimed and asserted. This is particularly so in the face of an aggressive force that destroys life and limb and shows no mercy for human rights, human dignity and the ability of people to live on their land.
In order to act, we have come together to bring a civilian convoy of relief aid to villages in the southern part of Lebanon. Some of the villages there have been virtually erased from the map, as Israeli planes and artillery bombard people's homes, fields and crops. There are still civilians hiding from the daily pounding and remaining in their villages. They stay because they are old, or infirm, or poor, or because they refuse to leave their land. And Israel has prevented aid from reaching these people; international agencies that coordinate their aid relief with Israel have been told they will not be safe if they try to move. The whole area south of the Litani River has been declared a no-driving zone.
Our convoy, and other actions to follow, will challenge Israel's dictates to the Lebanese people as to what they can and cannot do on their own land. This challenge will be made by those who have nothing with them but food and medicine and by people who will say to the advancing and bombing Israeli army: Leave our country and stop killing our children.
The choice is up to Israel. Will it bomb this convoy like it bombed convoys of civilians fleeing their homes in the south just a couple of weeks ago? Will it bomb the hundreds of civilians like it did those who were hiding in a building in Qana? Will it attack this aid effort the way that it has hit international and Lebanese aid agencies? Will it aim its fire at international citizens here to help as it did when it killed foreign UNIFIL observers despite knowing full well who they were?
This will be just the first of many such challenges to Israel. The choice of action is Israel's, but the world must watch. Because Israel cannot say it did not know, and the world cannot pretend this is not happening in Lebanon.
Adam Shapiro is a co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement and is currently in Beirut, Lebanon.
Robert Fisk: As the 6am ceasefire takes effect... the real war begins
Published: 14 August 2006
... link
Lebanese Relief Center
damiang, 12:39h
... link
Samstag, 12. August 2006
Letter to an Israeli soldier
artist against war, 17:20h
... link
artist against war, 17:12h
Dr. Doug Rokke: Israel is using deadly and illegal depleted uranium
munitions against the Lebanese people which were sold to them by the U.S.
Please watch this video:
munitions against the Lebanese people which were sold to them by the U.S.
Please watch this video:
... link
UN Resolution 1701
artist against war, 14:12h
... link
Freitag, 11. August 2006
artist against war, 11:57h
... link
Dienstag, 8. August 2006
artist against war, 17:09h
... link
... nächste Seite